Website - Click the yellow DONATE button located near the top of our website. You'll have the option to give a one time gift or to set up recurring donations if you like.
Your financial contributions are the sole funding for Unity of Michiana.
Please scroll down for all options.
Thank you for your gifts!

App - Tap GIVE at the bottom of the screen or scroll down to GIVE on the home screen. Don't have our app? Go to your app store, type in “Unity of Michiana,” click on our logo icon, and then download it to your phone.

In person - Place your donation in the offering basket located at the back of the sanctuary.

Mail - Send a check or money order to Unity of Michiana, 52248 Laurel Road, South Bend IN 46637.

Cryptocurrency - You may donate cryptocurrency by going to our donation page and selecting "Cryptocurrency" from the dropdown menu under "How would you like to give?"

Retirement Assets/Wills - Consider these gift options:
• Designate Unity of Michiana as the primary beneficiary for a percentage (1% to 100%) of your retirement plan assets.
• Designate a specific amount to be paid to Unity of Michiana before the remainder is divided among family beneficiaries.
• Make Unity of Michiana your contingent beneficiary, to receive the balance only if your loved one, as the primary beneficiary, doesn’t survive you.
Please be sure to consult with your own attorney or tax advisor before making any bequests to Unity of Michiana. These professionals are in the best position to assess your personal situation and provide guidance. They can also ensure compliance with all state and federal requirements.

Life Insurance - With a small monthly investment, you have the potential to give a large gift to Unity of Michiana through an insurance policy or annuity contract. You would simply designate Unity of Michiana as the beneficiary of your policy or contract.
An alternative would be to designate Unity of Michiana as an alternate beneficiary, which would still allow the proceeds to be disbursed to your primary beneficiary should they survive you.
Speak to your financial advisor or insurance broker about the options that are available to you.

Stocks and Bonds - Please contact our office if you are interested in making a gift of stocks or bonds.