Rev. Sandie will lead a class/discussion group based on the book Practical Metaphysics: A New Insight in Truth by Eric Butterworth from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings from Sept. 19 through Nov. 14. (No classes on Oct. 3 and Oct. 31).  Explore metaphysical/spiritual principles that help empower and uplift to live life more positively, effectively, abundantly, and in fulfilling ways.  The book is available in the bookstore, and the class will be given on a love offering basis.  Please sign up in the foyer or contact the office (574-233-8004) if you plan to attend.


November 14th, 2018 from  6:30 PM to  8:00 PM
905 E Colfax Ave
South Bend, IN 46617
United States
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Phone: 574.233.8004